Sunday, January 27, 2008

More Ideas….For More Fun….Watch this space for more…..

Fine Lines were drawn on the wet sand bed; I looked at the sun setting in the horizon, ships painted like small objects on a painted ocean, and then came a few stars and the sky in a million dazzling colors. I took a twig, and painted my imaginations, my joys and my secrets on the beach. It stayed there for as long as I did, and as long as I did stay there I didn’t want to leave. Years later those fine lines were drawn again by the jigsaws of time, not on the sand floor, but on my face. Sometimes, I visit that place where I put up my first fight to stand ground and see in my memories vivid, that same setting sun, those silent ships thrown far away floating on a perfect line separating water and sky, those tiny dots scattered across the sky. As I go back to my past, I can recollect those moments, those days of the summer vacation when I drew that figure on the beach. That time can’t be forgotten as easily as the years that have passed in between. And then as I walked back, having to fight no one but the chill, I recall that day in my summer vacation, when I spent those long hours doing that one small thing. And I collect myself, walked back, being glad that I did.
More Ideas….For More Fun….Watch this space for more…..

More Ideas….For More Fun….Watch this space for more…..

Fine Lines were drawn on the wet sand bed; I looked at the sun setting in the horizon, ships painted like small objects on a painted ocean, and then came a few stars and the sky in a million dazzling colors. I took a twig, and painted my imaginations, my joys and my secrets on the beach. It stayed there for as long as I did, and as long as I did stay there I didn’t want to leave. Years later those fine lines were drawn again by the jigsaws of time, not on the sand floor, but on my face. Sometimes, I visit that place where I put up my first fight to stand ground and see in my memories vivid, that same setting sun, those silent ships thrown far away floating on a perfect line separating water and sky, those tiny dots scattered across the sky. As I go back to my past, I can recollect those moments, those days of the summer vacation when I drew that figure on the beach. That time can’t be forgotten as easily as the years that have passed in between. And then as I walked back, having to fight no one but the chill, I recall that day in my summer vacation, when I spent those long hours doing that one small thing. And I collect myself, walked back, being glad that I did.
More Ideas….For More Fun….Watch this space for more…..

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Okay so there I was, on a Saturday morning, just lazing around in bed, trying to grab the last little bits of sleep, when my roommate barged in, not too quietly I might add and announced that I was the perfect candidate to volunteer for UAS. Well … yeah ok … who gives a flying fart… lemme sleep … is all I could get out before I was rudely dragged out of the bed, shoved into the shower and told to clean up my act and look earnest .. Or Else!!!! One fight with the autowallah later we were in CafĂ© Coffee Day, in a “Meeting” with the “Founder” talking about art forms!!! Frankly, I don’t really know much about art. I had that standard three course upbringing where you have a drawing class failure as a starter, a music class dunce as the main course and a dance dropout as dessert. So as far as the Arts are concerned I guess I was pretty much done. Or at least I thought I was!!

Turns out UAS (which in my sleep induced haze I thought to be a really bad variation of USA) is actually an NGO whose mission, if you choose to call it that, is to bring Art Forms to people. Well, after one meeting with these guys, I decided to get on board. And get on board I did!!! Within a week I was working more than I’d ever worked before and harder than I’d ever worked before, because lets face it, UAS work …. Not Easy!!! They always had something that needed to be done and they still have loads more... I’ll tell you this much, this is not for the faint of heart… They still need volunteers and they still want only the best, most serious and most earnest people working for them. After all, this isn’t just some run of the mill, two bit, organization. So in case anyone’s interested take a look at their website and get in touch. Trust me its gonna be one hell of a ride if you get through!!!! See you there. (I’ll be the one in the cap and overalls J)

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